Drone – camera

Take pole position

Aerial view

Drone aerial imagery is both aesthetic and functional. They offer a unique view of your project and provide a more dynamic end result if combined with timelapse footage.

Photos or video images taken with a drone offer more than what appears at first glance. Provided professional equipment is used, you can obtain highly accurate images of your project. You can also adjust the viewing angle to suit your needs: oblique planes, vertical planes, panoramic photos…

Your project seen from the air

Buildevolution offers an affordable drone service tailored to your needs. You can either use this drone footage in conjunction with our timelapse footage for a more dynamic end result, or you can use the drone footage exclusively.

The drone literally gives wings to your project. It offers unique follow-up and spectacular imagery. With the drone, you reach places previously inaccessible without very expensive equipment (a helicopter e.g.). Aerial imagery lets you explore your project from a new angle.

Aerial images with drone are a great promotional tool, take advantage of them!

Camera recordings

During your project, it is possible to take camera images one or more times, depending on the progress of the works. Combined with timelapse images and with any drone aerial shots, they create a dynamic final result.

The purpose of this is to show certain elements in detail. This could be the inside of a building, actions of workers, special machinery or execution methods. This offers the viewer a more detailed view of the works.

Here you can find an example combining time-lapse, drone aerial footage and camera footage: Combination of time-lapse, drone and camera!

Photo gallery